Summer 2017

Thursday, February 07, 2013


Do you have any idea what a mother of four young children can accomplish when the toddler takes an extra-long nap and Daddy offers to take all the big kids to their various afternoon/evening activities?! Here are some of the things that might be possible:

  • Mom might be able to send some emails for work, without a hundred interruptions.
  • Mom might be able to have an important, somewhat lengthy phone conversation or two, without a hundred interruptions.
  • Mom might be able to have a little snack, without a hundred questions about what she's doing and when she will share.
  • Mom might be able to tackle some huge problem areas in her bedroom, where neglect has taken root and the piles have rendered certain pieces of furniture almost invisible.
  • Mom might be able to repair her favorite giraffe, which has long lain in pieces, following some particularly intense roughhousing many months ago.
Conversely, soon after the toddler's nap ends, Mom might be able to have this text conversation with Dad:

M: Guess how productive I've been since nap time ended?
D: Mega
M: Actually "counter"
D: Well, that's what you get for being "re"

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