Summer 2017

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jr. High

Well, after much deliberation, Jeff and I decided to enroll our soon-to-be-11-year-old in the CC program normally reserved for 12-year-olds, for the next school year. Which means, she will officially be in Jr. High. We are super-proud of Ruth, because the largest part of the decision was made based on her academic abilities, after talking amongst ourselves, with her current tutor and with the director/tutor for the Challenge program she will be going into. It just seems like the right place for her. But, y'all. I'm having a hard time with the concept that my baby is going to be in Jr. High! I won't lie, there have been tears. It's not even really that I'm sad, exactly. But, just tell me, if you can, where did that time go?!


  1. Kathy3:33 PM

    I completely and totally understand and sympathize with you. But let's look at the bright side: if our oldests are about to turn 11, that means we've been friends for about 10 years! And that, my friend, is something to celebrate.

  2. So thankful for our long friendship and for the sympathetic shoulder to lean on! What a blessing that has been to me these last 10 years!


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