Summer 2017

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Filling in all the empty spaces

Seems like the title of a Valentine's Day post, doesn't it? Well, it is, only in the sense that this day is typically called by that name. Personally, Jeff and I don't believe in Valentine's Day. We love each other every day, and we don't need a special day to let each other know that. In fact, I got flowers last week, and the week before, for absolutely no reason. We don't appreciate the societal pressure that comes with this and many other overblown holidays and, in fact, find it a little insulting. We are outside the societal norms in so many ways...But, I digress.

I'm actually writing about the fact that Weston had to have four cavities filled this morning. Poor baby! For some unknown reason, he seems to be especially prone to these kinds of problems, even though he brushes regularly. Jeff took him in this morning and said he was really tough and brave and impressed all the staff. He only reported being "wobbly" when it was all done. He came home and went straight to bed, where he is still sleeping off the effects of the medications and stress of the morning.

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