Summer 2017

Sunday, February 10, 2013

All about the food

We decided to celebrate my half-birthday (which is actually tomorrow) with brunch in Austin this morning, because I wanted to try the South Congress Cafe. Before we left, Max had two bowls of cereal for "a breakfast snack," and Weston lamented that "the bummer about brunch is that you only get to have two meals during the day, instead of three." But, it was my choice, so we went ahead with the brunch plan. We arrived around 10:20, only to find that there was an hour wait. We wandered around SoCo for a short while, but then the cold and hunger got the best of us, so we popped into Enoteca Vespaio for coffee and pastries (a sort of "breakfast snack," if you will). Just as our waitress delivered everything to our table, and only about 30 minutes after checking in at the South Congress Cafe, Jeff got a text telling us that our table was ready at SCC. We were in a quandary. But, we decided to just embrace the experience. We finished off our "breakfast snack" and then immediately made our way to the brunch spot, which had held our table for us. We got to try some unique and delicious fare, like green chili pancakes and crab enchiladas. And though we thought we might pop when the meal was done, it was well worth the trip and the wait. Our next stop was Sam's. They say you should never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, which we certainly didn't, but I would have hated to seen how much we would have bought if we had. And, the kids acted like they hadn't eaten in days, when it came time to try all the samples. What can I say?! We are Watts, and we're all about the food!


  1. If there is one thing the Watts family does well it is definitely eating.

  2. So true, Crystal! Glad to count myself among such an elite group! :)


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