Summer 2017

Thursday, January 03, 2013


I'm a list person, so the idea of New Year's resolutions always appeals to me. And, I know January 3 isn't really the "right" time to make a post about New Year's resolutions, but I have been out in the Wild West, without Internet, for the last week and a half, so January 3 it is. Besides that, I tend to start my resolutions when I think of them (even if it's in November or March), so this is pretty much just a formality.

Last year, I only had one item on my list, but it was enough to keep me busy all year: Do hard things. So here are some of the things that fit under that category for me in 2012.
  • Began a running program
  • Took a job that required me to be a "Chief" and not just an "Indian"
  • Took another job, tutoring a class I had never tutored before and which included a math component, of all things.
  • Prepared to teach a training course for adults 
  • Faced my own mortality--on paper, as we worked on our wills, and in real life, following my little fainting trick
  • Stopped the running program
  • Re-started the running program
  • Made a permanent decision about having (or, I guess, not having) more babies
  • Read Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame
This year, I'm going with more of a traditional list:
  • Try new things
  • Be emotionally invested in people and activities
  • Seek new friendships/improve existing ones
  • Write something every day
  • Spend more time reading the Bible and praying
  • Learn to drive the Infiniti (a standard)
  • Drink more water
Happy 2013, everyone! I hope it is your best year yet!


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    We enjoyed seeing you and the family during your visit to the ranch. How is Max doing. Was a
    scary fall he had. Hope everyone is doing well and wish everyone a Happy New Year. Lenora

  2. Lenora, we also enjoyed seeing you guys while we were out at the ranch! Max is doing well. It was a scary fall, but he was pretty tough. He got the stitches out on Friday, but it is still a little tender to the touch. I'm sure it won't be long before it's completely back to normal. That's just one of our many fun party tricks! :)


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