Summer 2017

Monday, January 07, 2013

Holiday Highlights

It was a rough leap back into the real world today, so I think for the sake of positivity, I'll just stick with the highlight reel from our break:

We left here on Dec. 21 and headed to my parents' house in Belton. We had a blast seeing our favorite characters from the "Cars" movie, playing at multiple parks, shopping, cooking, eating, reading,  opening gifts and spending some quality time with our extended family.

Hangin' with Lightning McQueen and Tow Mater

A blessed Christmas with grandparents, great-grandparents, and cousins
(not to mention aunts, uncles, great-aunts and uncles, and parents)

The Watts Four and Sweet Baby Tyler

On Dec. 27, we left Belton and made our way to Round Top for the Burnett Reunion. There, we enjoyed a roaring fire, wonderful food, fellowship with family we see all too infrequently, a jam session with a local band, a very silly talent show and a cozy bed and breakfast.

Front Row Seat

Dancing the night away

Impressing the crowd with the "Interrupting Cow" joke
and a "Pickles and Chee Chee" story

The lovely and talented Miss Ruth

Regaling the group with "The Wide Mouth Frog"

Charlotte's famous dancing man

Having some fun with Charlotte's little friend

On the 28th, we pointed the caravan west, toward the ranch. We spent the next several days with Jeff's parents, brother and sister-in-law, and aunt and uncle. We played lots of Forty-Two, Mah-Jong and Scrabble, ate one delicious meal (and dessert) after another,  received news of a new niece or nephew/cousin coming this summer, broke bread with most of the extended Watts clan, made the excruciatingly long trip to the nearest ER to repair a bone-deep cut, rode around in the new limo-like Ranger, hunted, got dirty, did a little running, snuggled under blankets, read books, made New Year's resolutions, and watched the snow fall. It was a really wonderful time!

The expectant parents

Max got his very own cooking gear, which he is stoked about

Showing off the special blanket Mimi made
Piling in the Ranger

A-hunting we will go
Tough Guy

Hot Forty-Two game

Books, Balls and Brothers

Guarding the feeder

Big Helper 
New Year's Resolutions

On Jan. 3, it was back to Belton, where Max got his stitches out, I had a much-needed pedicure and Jeff and I got to don our fancy duds for a swanky party honoring my mom's installation as the president of the local Board of Realtors.

"I hereby dub thee..."

The Girls

Basking in the moment 
Party People

We are so thankful that we got to share our holidays with people who are very special to us, doing things that make us happy! And, our hope is that you had a wonderful holiday time, as well.

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