Summer 2017

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Healthy Dose of Humility

Jeff and I started running in January. Slowly and steadily, we have seen ourselves make progress, and we are pretty proud of our accomplishments. Yesterday, we both did our personal best. I ran for 22 minutes straight, at almost 6 miles an hour, without stopping to walk. And, I felt pretty good about myself when I was done. But then, Jeff suggested we add some strength training to our routine. We decided to ease ourselves into it this morning, and I can tell you, it was truly a humbling experience. My arms still feel like Jell-O, and I pretty much feel like a pathetic wimp. But I think I remember feeling almost just like that when we started running. So, there is hope. It's good to have new goals to set and accomplish, and it's good to have a healthy dose of humility from time to time.


  1. Awesome, Mandi!
    Pretty soon, you'll be able to bench your weight again :)

  2. Katie, you're sweet to think that's even possible! Unfortunately, that number is MUCH higher than it was in high school! At this point, I'll settle for just correctly pulling off two push-ups without wanting to cry!


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