Summer 2017

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another Day, Another Bloodbath

Yesterday, the three big kids were jumping off of something they shouldn't have been (air conditioner units), and, not surprisingly, someone got hurt. It was Max. Weston came running in the house, yelling about Max losing all his teeth. I rushed outside to find Ruth sweetly carrying Max to the door. There was blood everywhere. And, Max was demanding I put a band-aid on it. Fortunately, no teeth were missing, even though he did have a nasty busted lip.

Today, the boys were jumping on something they had permission to jump on (the trampoline) and, not surprisingly, someone got hurt. It was Max. Weston came running in, saying that Max was dripping blood all over the trampoline. Max had tried to do a flip and had smashed his knee into his nose. I rushed outside to find Max in hysterics. There was blood everywhere. And, Max was demanding I put a band-aid on it. Fortunately, his nose wasn't broken.

Blood doesn't make me queasy at all, but I certainly hope to see much less of it tomorrow.

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