Summer 2017

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Not defined by what I'm not

  • I'm NOT a runner, but I run three times a week.
  • I'm NOT a trained teacher, but I teach--my kids on a daily basis and a classroom-full of other people's kids, once a week.
  • I'm NOT a morning person, but most mornings find me up and at 'em before the sun.
  • I'm NOT skilled in Latin, but I teach a high-school level Latin class to my nine-year-old, and I learn right along with her.
  • I'm NOT a gourmet chef, but I can serve my family a dinner that will make them smile.
  • I'm NOT a "country girl," but there are frequently cows in my yard.
  • I'm NOT a coffee drinker, but I do enjoy the occasional cup of joe. (Likewise with wine).
  • I'm, generally, "an Indian, NOT a chief," but I just took a job as the director of our CC campus for the next school year.
  • I'm NOT a saint, but I am saved by grace.

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