Summer 2017

Thursday, April 05, 2012

11 Months

11 months. I just can't believe it. Our adorable little Claycito is 11 months old. This month has been huge--in terms of new things, if not in terms of Clay's physical size. He is wearing mostly 6-month clothes now, though they still sometimes hang a little loose. I always tell people that he's big for a six-month-old. His blood tests showed that he was pretty anemic, but everything else came back normal, so we're just pumping  him full of iron-rich formula and will keep an eye on his weight. I think he seems to be quite healthy and even seems a little chunky sometimes. He has added two new teeth this month, bringing the grand total up to six. This amazes me, since the other kids were just getting their first teeth at his age. He has started making more word-like noises, and has even starting saying "bye-bye" quite clearly while waving. He is also making an adorable raspberry sound, and a not-so-adorable squeal when he knows what he wants, but we don't. He is cruising around while holding on and has taken what can almost be called an actual step without holding on. It really won't be long before he takes off. He loves to play peek-a-boo, take baths, play with balls, and give kisses. He adores his siblings and enjoys hanging out with them, but is also quite happy to play by himself. And he is just the cutest thing ever, and we love him so much!

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