Summer 2017

Friday, April 13, 2012


At breakfast this morning, Jeff announced a holiday for us--no school, no work, just pure fun! (That's when he became the hero of the day)! He wanted to take the kids over to a place called Jumpoline Park, in Austin. It is a room full of trampolines of all different descriptions, and it is super-fun! We arrived right when they opened, so we pretty much had the place to ourselves. A few other people came later, but since it was a school day, it remained fairly quiet. We stayed for about 3 hours, and all four kids had a blast! (And Mom and Dad had a pretty good time, too)! When everyone finally got hungry, we went over to Chuy's for some superb Mexican food. After we got home, Jeff took over kid-duty, while I went out for a pedicure. The holiday ended with a (living room) Movie Night and (bedroom) Campout. It was such a fun day, spent with my most favorite people on the planet!

Dancin' Machine
Having a ball

Ready for action

Dodgeball champ

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