Summer 2017

Sunday, November 06, 2011


Clay had his half-birthday yesterday. Can you believe it?! In the past month, he has started munching on his toes...and just about anything else he can get in his mouth. He is also mashing his gums together to produce some really great faces. As with the other kids, there is much outward appearance of teething, but nothing to show for it yet. He is still wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 month onesies, but with the cooler weather, we have found out that he still needs a 0-3 month size in pants. He's just such a little bitty guy. He is sitting up better and can even get into a sort of sitting position on his own from his belly. As you know, he has become mobile. He is still more comfortable with the army crawl than with regular crawling, but he can flat get around. He will get up on his hands and knees and rock back and forth for quite a while before giving in to the easier method of mobility. He LOVES to jump and bounce and be held high in the air and jiggled around. And, his belly-laugh is getting more and more hearty and contagious. He has moved out of the pack-n-play in our room and into his crib in his own room. Unfortunately, his sleeping through the night has become less consistent. He has just started going to the nursery and Sunday school at church. And everyone who is around this kid--whether at church, CC or just the grocery store--adores him. He is so genuinely happy and easy-going, and such a charmer! I couldn't decide on just one picture, so you are getting several. Happy half-birthday to my sweet Little Bitty Baby!

munching on the tootsies

sitting like a big boy
playing in the crib

silly face

happy guy

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