Summer 2017

Saturday, November 12, 2011


We spent most of the day in Fredricksburg. First, we enjoyed the lovely drive between here and there, part of which was on a rustic, unpaved county road, which completely thrilled the boys. Then, we spent some time on the grounds of the National Museum of the Pacific War. The kids enjoyed looking at the model aircraft carrier and climbing up on some of the big guns, while also taking in the gorgeous weather. We had lunch at a fun cafe, which is famous for it's pie, in general, and it's pie-on-a-stick, in particular. Unfortunately, after our delicious sandwiches, we were too full to try the pie, but we have that on our list of things to try another time. After lunch, we made our way to "The Combat Zone," for a thorough run-down and demonstration of most of the U.S. and Japanese weaponry used during WWII, as well as a reenactment of one of the battles of the Pacific. We were all issued ear plugs on the way in. It was a fascinating (and LOUD) show, and Weston was particularly enamored with the program. The biggest explosions and the automatic weapons were his favorites. It was especially moving to see this on Veteran's Day weekend, when many vets were in the audience, including one WWII vet they honored at the end of the show. We are so very thankful for those soldiers, past and present, who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom.

We left there and headed over to a more mom-friendly activity, which was the antique show at the fairgrounds. I found many things that charmed me but, alas, came home with no treasures. Fredrisckburg is such an enchanting little town, and I hope we are able to visit again soon.

The big guns

Gunner Max

It could be a wild ride

Plugged up

Ear plugs in and ready for the battle

Amphibious tank


The Combat Zone


  1. Kathy7:55 AM

    That's the second picture I've seen where Clay is looking a lot like Weston - do you see it too?

    How long a drive was it from your new house?

  2. Sometimes I think Clay looks like Weston and sometimes more like Max. But, mainly, I think he just looks like Clay! :)

    It takes about an hour to get to Fredricksburg from here. (Probably a bit less if you stick to all paved roads!)

  3. Well, this is all great and everything- and we're loving the photos of the tanks!- but I just don't understand.

    How can you be too full for pie?

  4. I know, Katie, I know. Completely ridiculous. Should have just had pie and no sandwich.


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