Summer 2017

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Remember back in May 2010, when Ruth was the PSIA state champ for Creative Writing? Well, the 2011-2012 PSIA handbook arrived a few days ago, and Ruth's winning story is published there as a teaching tool for others competing in the contest. I'm sure it won't be her last published work, but it is her first, and I'm just so proud! She no longer competes in Creative Writing, but has moved on to Ready Writing. She will also be competing in Music Memory, Spelling and Poetry Interpretation this year. The district meet will be in March, so stay tuned for more PSIA updates in the Spring.

*Click on the photo for a larger, more readable version.


  1. Awesome! Yeah Ruth!

  2. I am teaching my son creative writing. He's in the First Grade. How did your daughter practice for the competition?

  3. My daughter practiced with the official contest materials, which was several groups of pictures of different things to be incorporated to the story. She also picked pictures out of other books and picture dictionaries to write about. I also encouraged her to write fairly detailed letters to friends and family, to make up stories--both written and spoken, to read a variety of books on different subjects, to think about how she would tell a story to her younger brothers that would hold their attention. Since that time, I have discovered "story starters" on the scholastic website (, which is a neat tool. Thanks for your interest in my blog. Best of luck to you and your son on your creative writing journey.

  4. I am working on teaching my son creative writing. Where are the examples published? It looks like you had a spiral with teaching examples, your daughter's paper included. Great story! Thanks for sharing! Any advice you could offer would be wonderful!


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