Summer 2017

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Batting Practice

No one was hurt, and the house didn't burn down. Thank goodness.

For some unfathomable reason, my three-year-old decided to pick up a rogue piece of conduit he found outside and take a walloping swing at the power panel for the water well. This knocked the cover right off, and mechanically-minded big brother came over to help replace it. Not knowing how it was supposed to go, and possibly not paying a great deal of attention to what he was doing, he got the metal cover in the wrong place and caused a nice big spark and sizzle. He quickly dropped the panel cover, and he and his younger brother ran away, without so much as a scratch or a burn on them. After watching a few minutes for more signs of fire, and seeing none, they decided to come in the house and report "a little spark." It took quite a while to get the whole story. And by the time I did, we had no more running water in the house--the reserved water in the tank having been drained by the hasty shower given to the boys so I could send them to bed. I delivered a lecture that brought even big sister to tears and apologies...and she wasn't even outside!

After seeing a rattlesnake out here in the spring and losing about two weeks of sleep over ever letting my kids play outside again, I decided to give my children's safety completely to the Lord, knowing that He can do a much better job of watching them than I can. I'm thankful I made that choice. He was definitely watching tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word. I know I know I KNOW how you feel! Glad everyone is ok!


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