Summer 2017

Sunday, November 23, 2008

You're Gonna Miss This

The words to this song keep running through my head. It's such a perspective-giver when the baby is screaming for no apparent reason. When the big boy spills most of his pasta on the floor trying to get it to the table and pitches a fit at the drop of a hat. When the little lady is sporting a 'tude. When I don't see eye to eye with the hubby. Because all of those moments are fleeting. But so are all the other moments that I cherish. Like when the baby gives me slobbery baby kisses and big, happy smiles. And when the big boy crawls up in my lap to give me a hug and tell me he loves me so much. And when all my little lady wants out of life is to be just like me. And when my hubby finds some new way to show he cares after 10 years of marriage. It's a good life, made up of good moments, and I don't want to squander those moments by wishing them away or not taking full advantage of them. I want to make the most of this time. Because someday I am going to miss it.

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