Summer 2017

Monday, November 24, 2008

Rainy Season

Apparently, we are in some sort of freakish rainy season here in Vila Velha, the likes of which haven't been seen for more than 10 years! It's the craziest thing I've ever seen! (Except for maybe one Hawaiian vacation we went on a few years ago). And it's not just rain, but also gale-force wind and pretty chilly temps. We have seen water up over the bumpers of large trucks and up to doors on cars. We have seen rain water shooting in under our closed windows, soaking our bedroom floor and my side of the bed. An umbrella took flight up and over our balcony this afternoon. And the sea is angry, my friends. And there seems to be no sign of it letting up anytime soon. Needless to say, we are hunkered down in our little apartment, hoping an opportunity will present itself for an outing to the grocery store sometime in the next few days, which will be necessary since we are almost out of coffee and I am now calling myself a drinker of that vile liquid. (Jeff would beg to differ. He seems to think that adding equal--or mostly equal--parts coffee and chocolate to my cup of warm milk and sugar doesn't really count).


  1. I say it counts - any tiny hint of coffee flavor counts. Hope the weather eases up soon.

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I'm thinking that the common denominator on monsoon rains is no longer me but you! There was even an article in our paper today with a picture of the flooding in the south and 21 people known dead from it. Hope it lets up soon because I know how hard it must be to get around by foot in the rain and obviously umbrellas aren't doing the trick. Love, Mom


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