Summer 2017

Sunday, March 02, 2008

W for Weston

Weston is getting pretty good at saying the alphabet, and he is particularly fond of the letter "W"--for very good reason! He can identify that letter in books, on signs and anywhere else words and letters lurk. Tonight he took his ownership of the letter to another level when he became distressed that every page of the book we were reading before bed didn't have a "W" on it. "Where's my W?" he would ask. And then he would scan the book until he would find one. And he's not above claiming the "M" if need be. After all, "M" is just a "W" standing on its head--although I think I finally got through to him that "M" is for "Mommy" and he can't have it! I guess I need to special order one of those books where they put the kid's name in the story. That way "W" really will be for "Weston."

1 comment:

  1. I had one of those books when I was a kid. It was about me and a giraffe and now giraffes are my favorite animals. I think it would be a sound investment for Weston!


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