Summer 2017

Monday, March 03, 2008

Jumping the Gun

Was it really I who declared it the official end of winter only two days ago?! Surely not! Surely nothing so ridiculous would enter my thoughts! Because clearly it is still very much WINTER. And my plants are all going to die. Perfect. Cruel and depressing is all that is. Just when I was ready to don the flip flops, too. Oh well. I'm in serious need of a pedicure, so I guess I can keep my little piggies covered for a little longer. (There is just the slightest chance that all of this could have been predicted, since I have jumped the gun on Spring just about every year of my adult life. I can't help it; the lure of the first few warm days and the Siren song of flowers in bloom gets me every time)!

1 comment:

  1. me too! I mean, it was 92 the other day and all the trees are budding and flowers blooming everywhere . . . and it was me who convince Trey to buy and plant all of those tomato plants that have now FROZEN. oh well . . . soon enough.


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