Summer 2017

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Oooh Baby She's Got It


a. Firmness of purpose; resolve
b. A fixed intention

Ruth came home from school today determined to finish her book (Heidi). The thing was, she was only about half-way finished, and Jeff and I were pretty skeptical that she would actually accomplish this. It's not that we weren't rooting for her, we just didn't think she had the attention span for it. But she proved us completely wrong! She sat down and read...and read...and read--10 chapters, 113 pages (57 text pages)! She just wouldn't stop (except for dinner)! We even told her several times that she could always finish it tomorrow, but she insisted on staying with it so she could have a special treat tonight--ice cream. (The actual reward is tent-camping, and we just didn't think that would be much fun in this crazy WINTER weather)! She just continues to amaze us, and we are so very proud of her--not only for her incredible reading, but also for her fierce determination!


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