Summer 2017

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Big Day

It was a big day around here today. First of all, there was a rash of e-mail changes. Jeff and I both got new e-mail addresses, and Ruth got signed up for an address of her own. You have all been spammed with the updated addresses, so we'll be expecting to hear from you soon!

The other big event of the day was me putting new sand in the sandbox. The kids went absolutely crazy! You would have thought I filled it up with candy and told them to eat until they were sick! I hadn't realized how much they have missed playing in there while it was out of commission because of having left the lid off during a few too many rain storms and then put it back on before all the water had evaporated. Can you say mildew?! (And no telling what all kinds of diseases)! Ick! Anyway, it's all clean now and the kids are thrilled. They probably played out there for an hour and a half. Eight bags of sand at $2 a bag is a steal in babysitting dollars! Unfortunately, I didn't trouble myself to go inside for the camera. But trust me, it was fun times! Winter is supposed to be bothering us again tomorrow, so I'm glad they got to enjoy being outside today.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you got the sand Wednesday instead of trying to today!


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