Summer 2017

Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh What A Beautiful Day

Today was such a fun day. We moved Max into the crib in his room last night (as opposed to the cradle in our room), and he slept a whopping NINE HOURS!!!!! You read that right. Nine hours. How fabulous! If I had only known, I would have kicked him out of our room long ago!

Weston tried out his big boy underwear during the first half of the day. And he did moderately well. With a few more days practice (and a little more attentiveness from Mommy), I think he'll get the hang of it.

Ruth told us the most hilarious (to us--to her is was very serious) story at dinner. It began, "Today was better. I had a meeting with Mrs. Towler to discuss So-n-So's behavior." What?! Turns out there was some sort of altercation on the playground (carried over from last week) in which some girls wanted to play "Cowgirls" and others wanted to play "Agents," and they just couldn't seem to work it out without a little intervention. The best part was that Ruth had no idea what "Agents" was, but she was sure she didn't want to play that and was convinced the other little girl was being "unfriendly" because she was insisting on playing that. It was Kindergarten drama at its best!

We finally managed to connect with the UPS guy today, and so we now possess the latest in video technology--a video camera that fits in the palm of my hand, weighs almost nothing and doesn't use tapes! It's very cool. Now we will be able to entertain ourselves and all of you on a regular basis with the likes of this:

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