Summer 2017

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

All Aboard! (whether you like it or not)

Unfortunately, Patient Mommy neglected to show up this morning--something about being up in the middle of the night with the baby.* But in her place, all of Two-Year-Old-Weston showed up. It wasn't a great combination, I can tell you. To make matters worse, Two-Year-Old-Weston was doubling as Potty-Training-Weston-In-Big-Boy-Underwear. (You can see that things are going to deteriorate quickly). After the second accident in a span of 20 minutes, there was a little display of frustration, in which Non-Patient Mommy gave that little boy quite a talking to. Weston unwisely thought the whole situation was quite funny and proceeded to laugh, laugh, laugh. Non-Patient Mommy gave him just the slightest swat on the leg to get his attention, to which he immediately produced a more appropriate sad face. The two moved off into the bathroom to clean up the mess, and Sad-Face Weston said, "That scary me." To which Non-Patient Mommy snapped, "What?! What scared you?" "That Potty Train scary me," he replied, which dissolved Non-Patient Mommy into a fit of laughter and helped her see the error of her ways.** That Potty Train scares me too, Weston.

*You surely didn't think that nine hour sleeping thing was going to last, did you?!

**Attitudes on both sides were much-improved after Weston's nap, and the afternoon went along much smoother. He even kept the big-boy underwear dry for several hours and had many successful attempts at the potty.

1 comment:

  1. oh, I'm non-patient mommy a lot. D calls me "mean mommy" on those days which usually gets a "oh you think I'M mean mommy???!!!" Glad your day got better and hoping Wed is more wonderful.


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