Summer 2017

Monday, March 10, 2008

How To Celebrate The First Day Of Spring Break

  1. Sleep in.
  2. Make muffins--and if they have chocolate chips in them, all the better!
  3. Eat said muffins in the living room while watching back-to-back episodes of Little House On The Prairie.
  4. Play with your siblings.
  5. Pick up lunch at Subway.
  6. Eat said lunch at RadiJazz, after running through the parking lot in the rain.
  7. Slide, jump, run, laugh, sing, skip, climb, throw balls, roll down hills, etc.
  8. Repeat over and over.
  9. Take a nice little siesta.
  10. Dine at the Luby's of your choice, making sure to get Jell-O.
  11. Play several hands of Go Fish.
  12. Stay up late.

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