Summer 2017

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Does Anyone Have The Time?

'Cause we definitely don't! We went about our morning in a leisurely way. Then, about 10:45 I laid down with Weston for a nap. I woke up right at noon and made my way downstairs. When I got to my computer (after a stop at the bathroom and maybe another quick distraction or two), it was 1:15. How could this be?! I check the microwave clock: 12:15. The oven: 12:15. The living room clock that runs on battery power: 12:15. Huh. The computer still says 1:15. Why is that? Oh, I know. It's all that fighting I did with the computer yesterday--re-starting it several times and even popping the battery out--and the computer is trying to get in the last punch. That must be it. And that's easy to fix. We spend the rest of our day in ignorant bliss. At 4:30 I go to the grocery store. Jeff calls me after I've been there just a few minutes. "I figured out the time problem," he says--and I think he means computer problem that caused the time to be off--"the time changed last night." Right. I knew that. (But I still think the computer hates me)!


  1. oh no! lol! I did realize the time change was this weekend only after I agreed to teach someone's SS class this week - included in the agreement was the promise to be there on time! There were a lot of bobbing, sleepy heads in church this morning!

  2. Oh, we're down with the time change. We're not down with sleeping and travelling, but we're down with the times change.

    Mandi, I'll be in Austin this Thursday and Friday. Belton is Tuesday, Wednesday, and then back on Saturday all the way until Thursday. You should DEFINITELY stop at my folks to see the goats. My dad would love it... even if we're in opposite cities.

  3. Well, Katie, maybe we can stop by on Wednesday then, if you don't have other plans. That's when the kids will be going over to Belton. If I don't catch you then, I may try to come see you another time while you're in this great state. Of course, you are welcome to come by our place in Austin, but I assume your time here is already booked. Can't wait to see you, one way or another!

  4. Mandi- Wednesday would be just fine! Or anytime next week, too. Our time in Austin will be very short and low key. Come out the folks'!

  5. O.k. Katie, we'll try to come by Wednesday--maybe around 10 or 11am.


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