Summer 2017

Friday, February 15, 2008

Vacation Envy

Well, I find myself a little green tonight. Jeff's aunt and uncle have set sail for Cozumel, and his parents are off to Carlsbad/Coronado Island for the weekend. And, (whine) I want to go somewhere. Anywhere. Preferably somewhere warm and beachy. But really, anywhere would be fine. But alas, I am here, with no plans to go anywhere more exotic for the moment. Just as well, I guess. I haven't really got my swimsuit body back yet--not that I ever really have a swimsuit body. Perhaps in my dreams I will have the body and the beach. That's not too much to hope for, is it?!


  1. It's supposed to be nasty, chilly and wet all weekend too. We're going to Houston this morning for a funeral and decided to stay and maybe go to the aquarium this afternoon/evening. Maybe you can take a short weekend trip soon . . .

  2. I get to go on a trip in April without my kiddos, and there will be beaches involved. I'm pretty excited..


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