Summer 2017

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Please DON'T Be Mine!

Well, this post isn't likely to make me very popular, but I'm not that popular anyway, so I'm going to go ahead with it.

I admit it: I am definitely a Valentine curmudgeon. I just can't get behind a Hallmark holiday whose focus is to show a little love to those we love. I mean, shouldn't we be doing that everyday?! Do we need an occasion for that?! And is it really a true expression of love if we're doing it from some national social obligation?! I just don't get it. And I especially don't get it in the context of public school. You go to the store and buy these pre-made cards with some character or other expressing general cheesy fondness for the reader. You stick a sucker (or some other sugar-laden treat) on it. And then you pop one in every single (this is a rule) homemade bag without even bothering to put a name on them (also a rule), because that makes the process too inefficient. What's not to love? When I read the rules, I was tempted to take Ruth out of school today, but then I realized that she genuinely does love all her classmates and teachers and wants to give them things anyway. She does this all the time, without needing a special day for it. So, I did not attempt to transfer my feelings for this holiday to her in any way. And at least she, of her own initiative, made cards for all her classmates herself-- although she was quite put out when I told her she couldn't put individual names on them. And, she wanted to know why she had to give one to every kid. I told her honestly that I didn't know.

If there is one positive thing about this forced holiday, it's that GAC is devoting an hour to love song music videos, which are always fun to watch, even when everything isn't bathed in pink and red.


  1. Oh I like V day but we don't go over board. In fact, I was surprised when Trey got me flowers (from HEB - fight would've happened if he had purchased overpriced, delivered flowers) on the 13th (more of a surprise.) I got Danielle a decorated little cookie and Trey a mini black forest cake from Whole Foods. It wasn't that big of a deal.

    We actually ran out of time and didn't get D's classmates name (a requirement) on the cards. Yes, you have to do all kids. It's a self esteem/politically correct thing, I think.

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Well, my 4th grade classroom appeared as if Cupid himself threw-up in it. There were flowers, stuffed animals, balloons, and candy everywhere. The entire day was crazy, and all this mean teacher wanted to do was teach a writing lesson. My 4th graders were hyped up on candy and cake all day. I truly think that by the time I got home to my very own sweety...I had turned into the Valentine Scrooge.

  3. Hey, Crystal. Thanks for your comment. Sorry you had such a crazy Valentine's day. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, though.

  4. Emlyn had to put names on her cards, and wasn't upset by having to make one for everyone. She made her own which I think was much better than all the store-bought ones. The store-bought ones really are pretty horrible.

    Emlyn was a pill all week leading up to it because she was so excited...


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