Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Please Stand By...We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties

Well, we've had some computer problems the last few days, but I think my tech guy has got them all worked out now. We are also experiencing some technical difficulties with Watts Baby 3.0. This child who slept for six hours for several nights in a row at only a week old, decided at 10 days old to grow out of that. He has been very cranky during both the daytime and the nightime the past couple of days/nights. It seems to possibly be tummy trouble, but nothing seems to really soothe him or make him feel better. It's just the saddest thing. I feel so very bad for him and so completely helpless. We have another visit with the doctor scheduled for tomorrow, so I'm hoping she can give me some useful advice that might make life a little more bearable for all of us.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm sorry to hear that!

    Danielle had horrible gas at first and would wake up screaming. Our ped. showed us a new way to burp that guarenteed a burp every time and that helped a lot. I hope your ped. can figure something out.


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