Summer 2017

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Little Max Visits The Doctor

It was a cold day in central Texas, and Little Max had to go to the doctor. So, Little Max's mother fed him, changed him (as he peed all over the changing table) and bundled him up. Then they were off. Upon arriving at the doctor's office, the nice nurse asked Little Max's mother to take off all his clothes, including his diaper, so they could get an accurate weight for him. Little Max proceeded to pee all over the exam table, the nurse's hand and a portion of his own clothing. With the mess mostly cleaned up, the group trooped off to the scale. "8 lb. 8 oz." the scale read and the nurse recorded. Then they all made their way back to the exam room. The nurse said to put his diaper on, but leave him unclothed. Little Max was not happy about being left naked, so his mother bundled him up in a blanket to keep him warm until the doctor could get there. Just as Little Max was about to doze off, the doctor appeared. She listened to Little Max's mother explain the woes of the last few days, did her exam and pronounced her disappointment in Little Max not being back up to his birth weight. She ordered a series of tests to try to figure out what might be plaguing the wee child (including a catherization to check for a urinary tract infection and a couple of blood tests to check the bilirubin levels and to rule out any significant problems), and she requested that he be weighed again. Then the doctor left Little Max and his mother in the capable hands of the nurse, who came in to fill the doctor's orders. First, she performed the catherization, causing Little Max to pee all over the exam room once again and making him unbelievably angry (and causing his mother to leak out a few sympathy tears). When he had recovered from that ordeal, she stuck his little heel to draw the blood. Her goal was to fill two separate vials and put four dots of blood on a piece of paper. She expertly filled the vials and then began to work on the paper. She had completed only one of the dots on the paper when Little Max's mom happen to notice her son's blood spilling out of one of the vials all over the exam table. This caused the nurse to feel flustered and Little Max to feel upset, as more blood now needed to be extracted. Thankfully, another stick was not required, as Little Max was bleeding quite freely from the first stick. Finally, with all that drama behind them, the group made their way once again to the scale. "8 lb. 6 oz." the scale read. Little Max's mother and the doctor found the results completely baffling, as the boy appeared to be shrinking before their very eyes while still seeming to be relatively healthy. Having used up all the wipes and diapers in her diaper bag, and having agreed to bring Little Max in again in just five days to have his weight re-checked, Little Max's mother gathered up her son and her belongings and wearily headed for the pharmacy to fill a prescription for reflux medication--which the doctor thought might help with all the other problems Little Max seemed to be having. Later in the day, the nurse called to say the the bili counts were down to normal and there was no evidence of a urinary tract infection, which was good news. Still, the whole experience was quite exhausting for both Little Max and his mother and both were glad to have it behind them.

The End


  1. Oh that's awful! Danielle had to have the cath. 2x and I cried too; it was horrible.

    Trey had Pyloric Stenosis as an infant and so did his cousin's child. Just keep that in mind if the reflux/spit up continues.

    I hope your Friday goes better.

  2. aw... BOO to doctors and nurses with needles. I would have cried at that appointment, too, Mandi.

    Hey- Coming in town March 13 and 14- as in, Austin and then Belton for the weekend. I know it's like a year away, but expect a visit! We want to see all the Watts!!!

  3. Yay!! KatieKate is coming to town! We can't wait! And with kiddos to keep up with, even things that seem a long way off get here quickly!

  4. Hiss to all the medial intervention showing no need for all that testing. Good to hear there is nothing wrong with little Max. I'd cry too. Hope it is a much happier appointment next time.

  5. What a sad appointment! :( Made me tired just to read it. I hope that at the next appt all the worries and woes are gone.


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