Summer 2017

Thursday, January 03, 2008


I guess I'm in "nesting" mode now. Either that or I've just realized that I'm about to have a baby and have absolutely no place to put him! Anyway, I attacked no less than five rooms in my house today, leaving a bigger overall mess than when I started! Why is it that to clean up, one must first destroy?! I think there is a light at the end of this tunnel somewhere. And I think we may actually find a place for this kid if he doesn't decide to show up tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I know! I blame those shows like Clean House where they take everything and put on the lawn in keep, throw out or sale piles. Then you realize the show has about 5 people helping! I got the brilliant idea to clean out the garage one day this summer and pulled everything out - I was putting things back in the garage (still packed but in a more organized way) at 10 pm!


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