Summer 2017

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Movie Madness

Jeff and I have been in the mood to see a movie in the theater lately, so after we dropped the kids off last night, we headed on over to see what was showing. We got there just after all the movies we were interested in started, and so decided to put it off for another night. This evening, we checked online to see when things were showing and headed over to the theater (a different one, I might add) in what we thought was plenty of time. Unfortunately, the show we wanted to see was sold out there. Finally, we headed over to yet another theater in the hopes of seeing a different movie. We were successful in getting in, but about 20 minutes into it, the fire alarms went off and everyone was herded outside into the freezing cold. Just as we were about to throw in the towel, the manager announced that it was a false alarm and that they would start the movies back up where they left off or give a refund to those who didn't want to stick around. We decided to stay, and through our diligence, finally got our movie watched. It was crazy, but it was still fun to be out on a date. We saw the new National Treasure movie, by the way. It was pretty cheesy, but still kind of a fun movie.

1 comment:

  1. Glad your movie adventure was finally successful.


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