Summer 2017

Sunday, January 27, 2008

"I Do Dood Job."

This is Weston's mantra these days. He can make it through any task you ask him to do as long as you keep the "good jobs" coming. And if they don't come in regular enough intervals, he is quick to remind you: "I do dood job." This sometimes comes out like a statement and sometimes like a question. And this has made me think that that's really what we all want, isn't it?! Wheather we are working at an office or at home; whether we are trying our hand at a new task or doing something we've done a thousand times, we want to know that we are doing a good job. We can make it through any task if we just have a little affirmation from time to time. So to all of you reading this, I'd just like to say: You are doing a good job. Keep up the good work.


  1. aw.
    You do dood job, too , Mandi :)

  2. Thanks, Katie. That's just what I needed to hear!


Say what you need to say