Summer 2017

Monday, January 28, 2008

I Cannot Believe I Just Said That

When you become a parent, you find yourself saying the most ridiculous things imaginable. Here is a sampling of things that have been heard at our house--some as recently as today.

  • You may not have a hot dog until you have eaten all the food on your plate.
  • Did you put your spoon down your shirt? Don't put your spoon down your shirt.
  • Don't drink from that pool of standing water on the sandbox lid.
  • Don't put that _____ in your mouth. (Some options for the blank include: rock, shoestring, computer cable, dirt, crayon, baby's pacifier, food off the floor, thing out of the trashcan, etc. etc.).
  • We are not going to take our clothes off at the dinner table.
  • Don't put that _____ in the toilet. (Blank options: toothbrush, cup, washcloth, toy, hand, etc. etc.).
  • What do you have in your purse, Son?
  • Don't stick that in your _____. (Blank options: nose, eye, ear, mouth, any other orifice on your body or anyone else's body).
  • Who wants to throw the baby's dirty diaper away?!
  • Yes, I did earn a treat when I went to the bathroom, but I'm going to eat my dinner first.


  1. Yep, I find that I say some of those a lot. Especially the first one though it is usually pizza or sandwich and chips instead of a hot dog. lol. Makes life fun doesn't it?

  2. Anonymous2:17 PM

    or our current favorite: at almost $5 a gallon, it's perfectly okay to cry about spilt milk.


  3. Hi mandi, these are hilarious!! I'll pop back in and comment on more later, today is busy! hugs!

    PS and that pic on my blog is almost 8 months old now! William will be 3 in two weeks!!

  4. haha! Yes, we save any milk D doesn't finish for the next time!


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