Summer 2017

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Sweet Success

Well, I'm back, and I should now be a bit more consistent with my blogging. My show in Temple went really, really well! I pretty much sold out of everything I took with me, and even had to stay up late last night making more! A store in Waco decided to carry the scrubs, and several other vendors were interested in possibly carrying them in the future or knew someone who they wanted to share my contact info with. Another neat thing was getting to trade products with other vendors. They wanted some scrubs, I wanted some of their things, so it was fun to use the old-fashioned barter system. I learned a lot and made some money and had a great time. I hope I will be able to do something else like this soon, and I hope the contacts I made will continue to serve me well in the future.


  1. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Congratulations Mandi! I am so glad that all the hard work paid off. Now, put your feet up and relax a little. You've earned it.

  2. Oh, awesome, Mandi! Your display looks so nice and sounds a huge success. I like the varity bundle.

  3. How exciting! I would have loved to have been there in person. I love those kind of shows! I look forward to being able to pass on your website to friends once it's ready!


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