Summer 2017

Monday, November 05, 2007

I Haven't Slipped Off The Face Of The Earth, I Promise.

So sorry I've been out of touch lately. Nothing's wrong, but thanks to those who have expressed concern. Body Dulce has been in full production mode in the last week, getting ready for this little trade show tomorrow and the next day and filling some big orders as well. I have been up to my elbows in sugar scrub (literally), not to mention all the other stuff that goes along with selling that I never even thought about before. I've pretty much been at it from early morning until late night every day, and by the time it's time to sit down and blog, I usually vote for bed instead. Here are some highlights from this past week:

  • Jeff had a birthday.
  • We all got to go to an assembly at Ruth's school on Friday where Ruth was recognized, along with other kids from every grade, for her Jaguar Pride Award.
  • Weston is doing a great job with the potty. His whole calendar is covered with stars!
  • We went to Houston on Saturday for a little overnight trip. We decided to experiment with Weston in a big boy bed. I ended up being his bed partner, and I can say without a doubt that I don't want to do that again any time soon.
  • Today is Weston's first day of swim lessons.
I will try to be a little more connected after the trade show is over. I'll be back Wednesday night. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the trade show! And I guess a nice benefit of having your hands and arms in sugar scrub are nice, soft hands and arms. I do plan on placing a smaller order in early Dec.

    Congrats to you all - sounds like things are running smoothly.


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