Summer 2017

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Quiet Nights

Jeff hit the air for another business trip to Las Vegas yesterday. Ruth has been a little under the weather. And Weston has been his normal sleepy self. All that has made for a couple of quiet nights around here. I hardly know what to do with myself. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty to do, but it just seems so quiet. I'm even reduced to cheesy Hallmark movies just to have a little background noise. It's funny how you can wish for just a few minutes alone sometimes, and then when you get whole hours, you feel like something is amiss. I shall relish this time to myself, for sure, but I will be glad when things are back to normal.


  1. Yes, I know. When Danielle was a newborn I had the TV on all the time. As she got older and I didn't have to hold her most of the time, I started listening to talk radio while doing housework. I like a few hours of quiet but after a while you need some background noise.

  2. The thing I like about quiet nights like that is that the house stays clean and I can relax in the way I like to. Or do a project that just requires a little concentration. Hope everything is back to normal now!

  3. Well, Ruth is feeling good now, but Jeff won't be home until Friday. So partly normal, I guess.


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