Summer 2017

Friday, November 09, 2007

Just Two Weeks

It dawned on me yesterday that it's just two weeks until Thanksgiving. I guess I sort of put that on the back burner during all the sugar scrub hub-bub. Wow. Just two weeks. That means I have an awful lot to do--starting with finding the dining room table! It also means that I have neglected to share our theme with all of you. (If you're new to the blog, here's the background: We always host Thanksgiving, and we always have a theme to keep it from getting too traditional. We've had a fiesta, a luau, a farm theme, etc.). This year we are having a "Bacon, Not Bird" Thanksgiving. The bacon being ham, instead of turkey. And the special treat being potato martinis--probably stirred rather than shaken just to keep the mess to a minimum. Tater and I are VERY excited about this! Mashed potatoes and mashed sweet potatoes with more toppings than you can shake a stick at. Oooo, I just can't wait! If you don't have plans, you should definitely drop by. It's going to be a wonderful feast, with a side of little-boy birthday party.

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