Summer 2017

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Pregnancy Fun

I know you are all dying to know what pregnancy-induced weirdness is going on with my body, so here you go.

  • Early morning headaches
  • Never-ending nosebleeds, even with me diligently following the tips of my doctor and Ruth's teacher (who used to have lots of nosebleeds as well).
  • Weird lower back/upper hip pain made unbearable by sitting.
  • Totally random leg cramps at completely unexpected times.
  • And my constant companion: heartburn.
And that's just today's list! But even with all that, it's still worth it! We can't believe how close we're getting to meeting this little guy, and we're so excited!

*Tonight, we were all sitting on Jeff's and my bed singing songs, when Tater decided to join in with some dance moves. The kids were fascinated by my moving belly, and they began talking to the baby and giving him little kisses and hugs. It was beautiful and made it all the easier to overlook the other not-so-fun stuff!


  1. I had the weirdest most annoying leg cramps too... they were unbelievable!

  2. I have a couple good leg/hip stretches. If you want to know them. I know it seems like it will never end, but you know it will. Soon. Have fun!

    I can still tell you the two places my kids used to push on from the inside...


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