Summer 2017

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Parties Never End

As you know (if you read my blog a few days ago), today was Ruth's half-birthday. Which could only mean one thing in our house: PARTY! It really just means you get to pick whatever you want for dinner and you get a little gift. Ruth chose to bring Chuy's in and eat it in the living room while watching Toy Story 2. Then we gave her a couple of board games. It's a family tradition we enjoy, and we had a lot of fun.

After the kids went to bed, Jeff and I got another party started. We put up a pole for Festivus. Then we read through some "grievences aired" and laughed our heads off. Jeff is very pleased with the pole, though he had a hard time believing that I was actually going to let him put it up. But, I would honestly rather be laughing my head off about a silly pole in the living room than grumbling through decorating a tree.

I hope you all found something to celebrate today or that you find something to celebrate tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. That is hilaious - I really thought it had all started with Seinfeld too.

    I'm with Ruth - Chuy's, Chuy's, Chuy's. I can't resist Chuy's.


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