Summer 2017

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Now, That's Overwhelming

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about how overwhelmed some people seem to be by the fact that I'm pregnant with my third child. Well, today I came across some facts that will just send those people completely over the edge. Apparently, the most prolific woman ever had 69 children! This was in Russia in the 1700s, so it wasn't the result of fertilization treatments. It is reported that this lady had some sort of ovulation disorder. This poor woman was pregnant 27 times and gave birth to 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets. Only two of the children didn't make it through infancy. Now, that's overwhelming!

And closer to home, a former co-worker of Jeff's (i.e. someone we actually know and have some sort of relationship with) recently had quintuptlets (that's 5 babies at once!)--and he already had two kids! That's also pretty overwhelming, if you ask me.

Makes just three look super-normal and not the least bit overwhelming, huh?!


  1. I think 3 kids is just fine. My SIL is having a 4th little girl in April, Trey has 2 cousins with 3 kids each and 1 cousin with 5 kids (4 boys and finally a GIRL-just in case you decide to go for that you can warn Ruth since "you always have boys!" ;-)) If I had met Trey younger and we had been able to start younger I wouldn't have minded 3 or 4 kids. I think it is wonderful!

  2. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I believe if you have the gift (ability) and the resources, you should have as many as you and your husband wish.


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