Summer 2017

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Factory Is Open

Jeff calls our kitchen and office "The Factory" on days when I'm busy with my sugar scrubs. Well, today the factory was definitely open, ensconcing the house in the aroma of gingerbread. And in the middle of production I got a phone call to ensure that the factory will remain open at least through tomorrow, when coconut takes center stage. But I have promised myself that, no matter what, the factory will shut down sometime on Wednesday because my in-laws will be here to spend the night, and who wants to sleep in a factory! (Besides, I need to take care of some Thanksgiving/Birthday preparations at some point)! I am just loving this sugar scrub business and am so pleasantly surprised to see how it's taking off.

*The website is functional, by the way, but just. The only thing you can do there right now is place an order. The layout looks nice, though, so if you'd like to take a look it's Hopefully, before the end of the year, it will really be like a regular website, with content and pictures and who-knows what else.


  1. well, your factory sounds like it smells yummy. I will check out the website soon. Good luck with all your prep. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. It does smell yummy--and it keeps my hands really soft!


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