Summer 2017

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gone Again

  • New tires on van. Check.
  • New stereo in van. Check.
  • Various and asundry van maintenence. Check.
  • Full tank of gas. Check.
  • Fully-charged ipods. Check.
  • Bag of snacks. Check.
  • DVDs. Check.
  • Bags mostly packed. Check.
Sounds like a road trip in the making, huh? It's true. We're gone again. This time we're off to Albuquerque for the hot air balloon festival. We're leaving in the middle of the day tomorrow, and as you might have guessed, we're driving. It's a 12-hour trek. Hopefully, we will also remember to pack our good attitudes! We have been looking forward to this for about nine months, and we are so excited. We'll be back on Sunday, but I may not get a new post up until Monday. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow! I've always wanted to go to that. I bet the kids will just love it. Be careful and post lots of photos.


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