Summer 2017

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ah, Irony

Ruth woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and was grumbly, grumpy and generally grouchy all morning. She was disrespectful and uncooperative, and consequently we were a bit late to school. (Incidentally, after we dropped Ruth off, Weston caught the grouchy bug and I immediately put him back to bed when we got home). By 8:00 am I had had it. And it was right about then that the phone rang. "This is Mrs. Harris in the Jollyville principal's office." I was blown away. I knew Ruth's day hadn't started off so great, but I never imagined she would act up at school--especially enough to land in the principal's office. "We just wanted to let you know that Ruth has been awarded the Jaguar Pride Award for showing respect, responsibility, compassion and empathy." What?! Wait a second. That's not the kid I sent school today. The secretary put Ruth on the phone, and I was so very thankful for the opportunity to praise her and congratulate her on a job well-done after the rocky morning we had. She got a little certificate and gets to have her picture in one of the main hallways of the school and be recognized in the morning announcements. I'm really proud of her, and I'm so glad that we had that ray of sunshine in an otherwise dismal morning.


  1. That's so awesome that she got that on a grouchy day. And there's nothing better than the "I'll just put you back to bed then!"

  2. lol! That is ironic. Danielle had a HORRIBLE morning this morning - "I don't want to wear this!!! I don't want to wear this!!!" "Well, pick out something else." "I want THIS shirt but not any of these shorts." "Then you get to learn to do laundry this evening." "I wish you were a nicer mommy."

    Glad Ruth's day got better.


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