Summer 2017

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Honey-Dos Done

Jeff came home from Vegas ready to tackle some of the honey-dos on our ever-present list. He ran the weed-eater today and our yard looks so much better! While he was at it, he and Ruth found a dead rat in the yard, which completely thrilled me! He also came across a beautiful spider lily, which Ruth picked and put in a vase on our table. Jeff also installed our new door knob, which has been on the list for at least six months. Now we can actually close the door without having to lock it, so no more taking guests prisoner! And finally, he fixed a swing on the swingset that has been giving us some trouble. It's great to check things off the list, but it's even better to have my honey home!


  1. So nice to get some things accomplished. I ran the string trimmer today as well.

  2. Wow! He did a lot. Trey mowed the front yard. I've done quite a bit of laundry.

  3. Hey Mandi glad to hear about your lawn. Heather's birthday is coming up and I was thinking some brown sugar scrub would be bueno. How would I go about placing an order?
    Jason Kitchel


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