Summer 2017

Monday, September 24, 2007

Country Music

Jeff and I love music from almost every genre, but we especially enjoy country music, in part, because it's hilarious. Everything from the twang to the rhymes to the subject matter, even some of the outfits the musicians wear. It's absolutely great! I suggest that the next time you want to laugh, even if you aren't a huge fan of country music, you flip your radio to the local country station or turn on CMT or GAC for a few songs. It shouldn't take too long to come across one that makes you giggle.


  1. I go through phases with my music choices. From when Danielle was 6 mos to 1 1/2 I was in the country music phase. Some songs are hilarious while some rip your heart out.

    The funniest, strangest, how-did-you-get-a-recording-contract song I've heard was actually a Blues song that came on some independent radio channel. It was a guy lamenting that he was leaving the hotel with his girlfriend and caught his wife checking in with another man. "I was checking out as you were checking in" was the chorus. goofy.

  2. Oooh, ooh, ooh! I got in my car today, and as I turned the key, I heard the intro to one of those particularly goofy country songs. Mind you, I'm not familiar with the stations here in South Texas. My laughter was multiplied as I heard the entire song sung in Spanish instead!


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