Summer 2017

Friday, June 15, 2007

Little Blessings

Minnie (our van) heard about AhRoi's problem and became very sympathetic--to the point of death. The kids and I were out running some errands today and came back to the van at one point to find the battery completely dead. Instead of becoming frustrated, I decided it was a good time to count my little blessings. So here they are:

1. It was near the end of the workday so we didn't have to wait too long for our knight in shining armor to arrive.

2. One of the stores had a kid-sized table and piles of books for us to read while we waited for Jeff.

3. That store also had a nice bathroom and a Coke machine--and I actually had enough change to purchase something.

4. I actually made it out of the house with a sippy cup, snacks, an extra diaper and plenty of wipes.

5. We did get the car started and made it back home.

6. Jeff got the computer to cooperate so I could share our little blessings with all of you.


  1. You definitely took lemons and made lemonade from them. I'm proud of you. I hope Minnie decides to get along with you better next week.

  2. This reminds me of our "Thank You" list (pages and pages!!!) we used to have in our G-4 apartment kitchen in college. Do you remember that???

  3. Do I remember?! I still have one of those boards hanging in my bedroom so that I can list the little blessings of my life every night before I go to bed!


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