Summer 2017

Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Boy By Any Other Name...

Last summer, Ruth took the idea into her head to start calling Weston "West." She kept that up for several months and then decided to start calling him "Weh." Both of these nicknames really got on my nerves, but I saw very quickly that the more I would try to correct her, the more exciting it was for her to call him by those names, so I dropped my attempts of correction. But in the last few weeks, she has started calling him "Wel," and that one I just cannot tolerate at all. So today I quit biting my tongue and told her in no uncertain terms that she could not use that nickname. And then I told her if she kept it up I was going to start calling her by some name that wasn't anything like her real name. She didn't like that idea one bit, and I think she got the point. No wonder Weston doesn't know how to say his own name. He doesn't even know what it is!


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I just had to giggle a little at this one:) At least he won't be called 'Peep' into his twenties. . . . . . . I was lucky to shed my 'Gooney Bird' nickname by the time I graduated High school:)

  2. Gooney Bird?! I didn't know. But now that I do...
    Thanks for your comment, Jami. Hope you are doing well!


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