Summer 2017

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Cold, Hard Facts

Ruth: How old is Cody? (my cousin, Ruth's idol)

Me: He's 18.

Ruth: But is he a grown-up?

Me: Yes, he is.

Ruth: But he still lives with his mom and dad.

Me: Right. But when he graduates from high school in a few weeks, he won't live with them anymore. You're pretty much a grown-up when you're 18 because that's usually when you leave home.

Ruth: Oh. I hope I never have to leave home.

Me: Well, that's part of growing up.

Ruth: But maybe the president will let me stay with you forever.

Me (chuckling): The president?!

Ruth: Well, yes. Isn't he the one who decides that we have to leave home?!

Me (chuckling all the more): No, sweetie. Mommies and daddies (and kids) decide that.

Ruth (with jaw on the floor, looking completely incredulous): You mean you decide that?!

Yep. The cold, hard fact-of-the-matter is Mommy and Daddy will kick you out. I'm sure in the not-too-distant future this conversation will take on a whole new tone when Ruth can't wait to be rid of us. I'm really glad that (for now) Ruth wants to stay with us forever! And I'm glad that the president doesn't have any say in this whatsoever!

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