Summer 2017

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Bring On The May Flowers

April was a rainy month for us, and so far May has been rainy too. But I thought that the rain was supposed to stop in May so we can all enjoy those flowers that the April showers bring. Apparently not this year. Seven out of the next ten days have at least a 30% chance of rain. Unfortunately, rainy, cloudy weather makes me feel very lazy--and it also keeps the kids from getting to play outside, which is kind of a bummer because that energy has to go somewhere. But we are making the most of it. Today, we were introduced by some friends to the Toys R Us Playscape, which was lots of free, indoor fun. This particular store has an excellent play area, and I know we will definitely be back. (Maybe as soon as tomorrow if current weather conditions persist).

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to a clear enough sky to mow the yard and see you for the picnic!


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