Summer 2017

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Once a year, Ben and Jerry's gives away free ice cream, and today was that day! And if there's anything better than ice cream, it is definitely free ice cream. And this year Weston got to participate. (He's feeling much better today, by the way). It's astounding to me that you can give a kid the most microscopic bite of chocolate and he can end up literally covered from head-to-toe with the stuff. Amazing. Really. And what's even better is that he was already covered pretty much from head-to-toe with pizza sauce, since we had pizza next door before getting our free scoops. I really should have taken a picutre. But, trust me, it was beautiful. And thanks to him, we all got to wear a little bit home, making free ice cream night last just that much longer.


  1. AWWW MAN! I totally forgot! I knew about it and was planning on us going (to the same B&J's no doubt) but then it slipped my mind! oh well . . . next time. And MANGIA--yum!!!!

  2. Hope it was a good time! And I just love wearing it home too.


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